Meet our family – Emmy’s Mummy

Waving hello from us all.


Hi, I’m Clare (Emmy’s Mummy). I live in Essex with my two children –  Emmy (born February 2010) and Harry (born October 2012).

About Me:

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I am a 40-something-year-old fully qualified Nanny and have looked after children as a Nanny for over 14 years. This was my dream job, one I gave my all to and never hated going into for even a day. Over the course of 14 years I cared for the children of 3 families full time seeing those children grow from babies to young adults.

This was a job I loved so much that I returned to when Emmy was just 3 months old, she came to work with me which worked perfectly as she had built-in playmates.

I left my very last family when Emmy was around a year old and co-owed a Nanny/Babysitting agency with my former boss.

After having Harry I didn’t return, owning that type of business didn’t fit in with 2 young children. I am still my own boss however and am now self-employed as a Blogger, Social Media Consultant and Freelance Writer.

You can also find me blogging over at and my newest blog

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Emmy (aged 14) is fun bubbly, bright and FULL of energy. She loves everything and is always happy, laughing and joking.

Once she enjoyed being as loud as possible but now she is rather shy and quiet, but is the kindest and most caring child you could ever meet.

She can most often be found in hiding in her bedroom whatsapping her friends, chatting to large groups of them on call as loudly as possible or glued to Tiktok – a pretty typical teenager really! She loves hiding away in her room, refusing to open her curtains, and venturing downstairs for food.

She is in year 9 at school and hates it – well she says she does but she is doing brilliantly so it can’t be all bad, and she even goes to singing classes after school once a week which a newfound thing for her and she performed in the local church and a concert at school on stage in front of everyone. This has really boosted her confidence, once a shy girl who hated being in front of any audience.


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Harry (aged 11) is far too like his Sister. He learnt to climb at an early age, runs everywhere and is into EVERYTHING.

You need eyes in the back of your head with him.

His all time favourite thing is LEGO, Pokémon and Minecraft.

He loves anything he isn’t allowed and kicks up a complete fuss when he can’t have it.

Very independent from a very young age – he certainly keeps us on our toes. He is now in Juniors (year 6) and if you ask him he’ll say he hates school – he does, however, love it, has lots of friends and is kind and considerate making sure they always have someone to play with. His teacher says he is happy to play with everyone.

He is the kindest boy I’ve ever met who always likes to hug, kiss and please everyone.

emmy and harry sept 2016


Barney was our almost 15 year old Border Collie, he came to live with us a week before Christmas when he was 6 months old. Sadly we lost him in 2018.
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