5 Ways to Help Children Develop Critical Thinking Skills

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Critical thinking is not just a fancy term thrown around in educational circles; it also determines how children solve everyday problems and form their own opinions, big and small. Critical thinking skills can help solve complex math problems, help children deal with peer pressure by thinking for themselves, and help with other challenges in aRead more

Things to do with your children near Gatwick airport

Things to do with your children near Gatwick airport

Arriving at Gatwick with your family offers more than just a bustling airport experience. While you might be preparing for your outbound adventure, why not make the most of your time here with some family-friendly activities? Here are a few suggestions to keep your children entertained during your stay: Things to do with your childrenRead more

Finding the Right Balance: Understanding Children’s Exercise Needs

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As a parent, one of the many responsibilities we bear is ensuring our children lead healthy and active lives. But in the whirlwind of modern-day schedules, it’s easy to lose sight of just how much exercise our kids need. So, how much exercise do children need? Understanding Children’s Exercise Needs If you were to askRead more

Empowering Kids: Making Household Chores Fun and Meaningful

Top Tips Making Household Chores Fun and Meaningful

As a Mum to two wonderful children, Emmy and Harry, nurturing independence and helping to teach them essential life skills is close to my heart. Drawing from my 14 years as a Nanny has also helped me to do this and understand why it is so important. But before delving into the fun stuff, let’sRead more


meridith lane

**Guest post By Meredith Lane** A Sale Without Kicking Anyone Out So, in the middle of 2021, smack-dab in the pandemic while I was on furlough (like half the nation), I wanted to sell the tenanted property I inherited  from my late dad because I was stressing out about money to put it simply. ItRead more

Meals to Make When You’re Staying Indoors

coucous salad

**Collaborative post** Staying indoors provides a perfect opportunity to explore culinary creativity and enjoy the comfort of homemade meals. Whether due to weather conditions, health reasons, or simply a desire to relax at home, cooking can be a therapeutic and rewarding activity. This article presents a selection of meal ideas that are delicious and simpleRead more

How to Choose Your Daughter’s First Bra

Two teen girls jump up and down wearing training bras from Bleuet

**Collaborative post** As a mum, one of the cherished rites of passage you’ll share with your daughter is selecting her first bra. This moment isn’t just about shopping; it’s about raising a strong girl and building her confidence as she embraces the changes in her body.  So, whether it’s discussing styles over a cosy cupRead more

Tips For Breathing New Life Into Your Master Bedroom

master bedroom white bedding

**Collaborative post** No matter your taste, your bedroom will start feeling a bit dated and need an update. If you don’t know where to start, here are a few tips and steps to give your main bedroom the makeover it deserves. Upgrade Your Bedding The first thing you should do is upgrade your bedding. AfterRead more

Win 1 of 3 Kung Fu Panda 4 Official Merchandise Bundles

Win Kung Fu Panda 4 merchandise

This spring, for the first time in almost a decade, comedy icon Jack Black returns to his role as Po, the world’s most unlikely kung fu master, with a hilarious, butt-kicking new chapter in DreamWorks Animation’s beloved action-comedy franchise: Kung Fu Panda 4. After three death-defying adventures defeating world-class villains with his unmatched courage andRead more

Effective Beauty Hacks for Busy Mums

Effective Beauty Hacks for Busy Mums

**Collaborative post** When you’re a mum, it can sometimes be difficult to get yourself ready in the morning, either for work or to run errands. There are babies to feed, toddlers to placate, spilt food to clean up, toys to pick up, and any other urgent matters you have to deal with. You’re lucky ifRead more