Fluffy Pancakes Recipe: A Family Favourite

fluffy pancakes recipe

We live for the weekends, no alarms, no rushing out the door and leisurely breakfasts of choice instead of rushed bowls of cereals for ease. The kid’s all-time favourite breakfast is pancakes with a choice of toppings, be that lemon and sugar, Nutella or berries – there are so many different topping choices, and itRead more

King Prawn Red Thai Curry with Star Anise Rice Recipe

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We love trying new foods in this household; thankfully, neither of my children are fussy eaters at all and will happily try anything which is placed in front of them and 98% of the time, they absolutely love the new tastes and textures. I believe this is because I have always introduced new foods, tastesRead more

Frosty Frights: The Top Slush Maker Recipes for a Chilly Halloween Bash

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**Collaborative post** Halloween isn’t just about tricks or treats but innovative drinks that send a chill down your spine! And what could be more spine-chilling than a slushie that captures the spirit of All Hallows’ Eve? If you’re wondering how to make a slushie or how to make slushies that scream Halloween, you’ve come toRead more

5 Great Baking Recipes Using Chocolate Balls

chocolate balls

**Collaborative post** Chocolate balls are tasty no matter how you choose to eat them. A lot of people simply eat them as-is right out of the package. When you choose a great company and a good brand, that’s really all you need, isn’t it? Of course, you might want to consider getting a little craftierRead more

30-minute meal ideas for a stress-free autumn term

30-minute meal ideas

With both kids in school again I’ve been making a real effort to keep my evenings organised. So far I have been on top of it with meals, but there are always those days when we just don’t have the time or inclination to slave over the stove, you know the days – when youRead more

Easy Cheesy Risotto Recipe

cheesy risotto recipe

**Collaborative post** This cheesy risotto recipe is a favourite of the children’s, we like to whip it up on cold days when they want a warm lunch. It is quick and easy and uses only a few ingredients, usually ones which are found in your cupboards at home. This recipe is enough to feed 4Read more

Be careful what you feed your dog this Christmas – Homemade Dog Biscuit Recipe

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Tis the season to be jolly and it is certainly the season for overindulging. I always plan to not overeat but with the fridge filled with cheeses and pates, the cupboards loaded with mince pies, selection boxes and Christmas cake and then boxing day sponsored by turkey sandwiches – it’s rather impossible for me toRead more

Alternatives to cereals for breakfast

Alternatives to cereals for breakfast

It’s no secret, mornings can be pretty lively in our house. No matter how organised we try to be the night before, something will usually happen to undo all of our meticulous advance preparation and will often see us running out of the door with very minimal time to spare. I’m not alone in thisRead more

Winnie the Pooh inspired Doughnuts


**This post contains affiliate links, purchasing via these links won’t cost you anything but I may earn a few pennies from you doing so – not enough to jet set across the world but something towards a chocolate bar….if the price stops increasing** The kids are so excited to head to the cinema soon toRead more

Cajun Spiced Salmon recipe | Mess free cooking

Cajun Spiced Salmon recipe

**Posted in collaboration with Bakewell** I don’t know about you but I LOVE a roast dinner, however the preparation time is something which always puts me off, so much so that we rarely have them (even at the weekends sadly). The thought of spending a few hours peeling potatoes, chopping carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, makingRead more